Is it OK to Eat Ramen Noodles When Sick?

Medically reviewed by Dr. Ramesh Gaddam, M.D. — Written by Sumalatha, D.N.H.E

When you’re feeling sick, choosing the right food can make a big difference in how you feel.

Ramen noodles are a popular choice because they’re quick, easy, and comforting.

But is it OK to eat ramen noodles when you’re sick?

While they may help soothe your throat and give you a warm meal, there are some things to think about, like their high salt content.

This article will explore the pros and cons of eating ramen noodles while you’re unwell.

Nutritional Content of Ramen Noodles


Ramen noodles, especially the instant kind, are known for being quick and convenient.

However, they don’t offer much in terms of nutrition.

Most packaged ramen is high in sodium, which can cause dehydration if eaten in large amounts.

They are also low in important nutrients like protein, fiber, and vitamins.

Additionally, many instant ramen brands contain preservatives and additives that may not be the best for your body when you’re trying to recover.

On the other hand, homemade ramen can be healthier, especially if made with fresh ingredients and low-sodium broth.

How Ramen Noodles Affect Different Types of Illnesses


The way ramen noodles affect you can depend on what kind of illness you have.

Cold and Flu:


The warm broth from ramen can help soothe a sore throat and ease congestion.

However, the high salt levels may leave you feeling thirsty, and too much sodium can cause dehydration, which isn’t helpful when you’re sick.

Stomach Problems:


If you have an upset stomach, nausea, or diarrhea, ramen noodles might not be the best choice.

The noodles and seasoning can be too salty or greasy, which could make your stomach feel worse.



Eating warm meals like ramen can bring some comfort when you have a fever, but again, you should be careful with the salt content.

It’s important to drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration while you’re sick.

Benefits of Eating Ramen Noodles When Sick


Eating ramen noodles when you’re sick can have a few benefits.

Comfort Food:


Ramen noodles are warm and easy to eat, which can be comforting when you’re not feeling well.

If you’ve lost your appetite, a simple bowl of ramen might be appealing and easier to eat than other foods.

Warm Broth:


The warm broth can help clear up stuffy noses and provide relief for a sore throat.

Drinking warm liquids is also good for staying hydrated, which is important when you’re sick.

The broth can also give you a cozy feeling, helping you feel better mentally while recovering.

Potential Drawbacks of Eating Ramen Noodles When Sick


While ramen noodles can be comforting, they have some downsides when you’re sick.

High Sodium Content:


Ramen noodles often contain a lot of salt.

Too much salt can lead to dehydration, which can make you feel worse, especially if you’re already sick.

Your body needs fluids to recover, so eating salty foods like ramen may not be the best choice.

Lack of Nutrients:


Instant ramen noodles don’t provide many essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, or protein, which are important for helping your body heal.

While they can fill you up, they don’t give your body the nutrients it needs to recover quickly.


Modifications to Make Ramen Noodles Healthier When Sick


If you enjoy ramen but want it to be healthier while you’re sick, there are a few simple changes you can make.

Lower the Sodium:


You can reduce the salt by using only half of the seasoning packet or choosing a low-sodium version of ramen.

This way, you get the flavor without as much salt.

Add Vegetables:


Boost the nutrition by adding vegetables like spinach, carrots, or broccoli.

These add vitamins and minerals that help your body recover.

Add Protein:


Include some protein by cracking an egg into the broth or adding cooked chicken or tofu.

Protein helps your body heal and keeps you feeling full longer.

Use a Healthier Broth:


Instead of the packet, try using homemade or low-sodium broth.

This gives you better flavor and nutrition without the extra salt

Alternatives to Ramen Noodles for Illness Recovery


If ramen noodles don’t seem like the best choice, there are other foods that may help you feel better when you’re sick.

Chicken Soup:


A classic option that’s rich in nutrients and easy to digest.

It’s soothing for sore throats and helps keep you hydrated.


Vegetable Soup:


Light and full of vitamins, vegetable soup can provide your body with important nutrients without being too heavy on your stomach.

Bone Broth:


This broth is packed with nutrients and is great for keeping you hydrated while giving your body what it needs to recover.

Oatmeal or Rice Porridge:


These are gentle on the stomach and provide energy without upsetting digestion.

They’re simple but nutritious options when you’re feeling unwell.


When to Avoid Ramen Noodles While Sick


There are times when ramen noodles might not be a good choice during illness.

High Blood Pressure or Heart Conditions:


If you have high blood pressure or heart issues, the high salt content in ramen can be harmful.

Too much salt can raise your blood pressure and make these conditions worse.

Severe Stomach Issues:


If you’re dealing with nausea, diarrhea, or stomach pain, the salt and additives in ramen could upset your stomach even more.

If You Need Hydration:


When you’re sick, staying hydrated is important.

Ramen noodles, with their high salt levels, may cause dehydration, especially if you’re not drinking enough fluids.

It’s best to choose foods that help you stay hydrated.

Key Takeaways


Ramen noodles can be a comforting and easy meal when you’re sick, but they have both pros and cons.

The warm broth can help soothe a sore throat and offer some relief, but the high salt content can lead to dehydration and doesn’t provide the nutrients your body needs to recover.

To make ramen healthier, consider using less seasoning, adding vegetables or protein, and choosing a low-sodium broth.

If you’re looking for better options, soups like chicken or vegetable, and foods that are easy on the stomach, may help you feel better while giving your body what it needs



Can ramen noodles make my cold worse?

Ramen noodles might help you feel better because they’re warm and comforting, but the high salt content can lead to dehydration.

Drinking plenty of water with your meal can help prevent this.


How can I make ramen healthier when I’m sick?

You can make ramen healthier by using less of the seasoning packet, adding vegetables, and including a source of protein like eggs or chicken.

Using low-sodium broth also helps.

Are homemade ramen noodles better when sick?

Yes, homemade ramen can be a better choice because you can control the ingredients, like using fresh vegetables, lean protein, and low-salt broth, making it healthier than store-bought instant ramen.

What should I avoid adding to ramen if I have a sore throat?

Avoid spicy or very salty seasonings, as these can irritate your throat and make it feel worse. Stick to mild flavors and warm broth for comfort.



In conclusion, eating ramen noodles when you’re sick can be comforting, but it’s important to consider their high salt content and lack of nutrients.

While the warm broth may help soothe your throat and provide comfort, it’s best to eat ramen in moderation.

To make it healthier, you can reduce the seasoning, add vegetables and protein, and choose low-sodium options.

If you’re feeling very unwell, other foods like chicken soup or vegetable broth might be better choices.

Always listen to your body and choose what makes you feel good as you recover.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Ramesh Gaddam, M.D.

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