15 Health Benefits of Bottle Gourd (lauki): By Healthbuildup

Medically reviewed by Dr. Ramesh Gaddam, M.D. — Written by Sumalatha, D.N.H.E

What is Bottle Gourd?

Bottle gourd, also known as calabash or lauki in some regions, is a common vegetable you might find in many kitchens. It gets its name because it often looks like a bottle or gourd shape when it grows. This vegetable is quite versatile and can be used in various culinary dishes.

Nutritional content of bottle gourd (per 100 grams) 

NutrientAmount per 100 grams
Carbohydrates3.39 grams
Dietary Fiber0.5 grams
Sugars1.03 grams
Protein0.6 grams
Fat0.16 grams
Vitamin A15 micrograms
Vitamin C8.2 milligrams
Vitamin B60.043 milligrams
Folate (Vitamin B9)3 micrograms
Calcium12 milligrams
Magnesium11 milligrams
Phosphorus9 milligrams
Potassium170 milligrams
Iron0.2 milligrams
Zinc0.24 milligrams

Please note that these values are approximate and can vary based on factors such as the variety and maturity of the bottle gourd.

Why is Bottle Gourd Popular?

Bottle gourd is popular for a few good reasons:

  1. Hydration Helper: It’s made up of mostly water, which can help keep you hydrated, especially on hot days.
  2. Low in Calories: If you’re trying to manage your weight, bottle gourd is a great choice because it’s low in calories. You can enjoy it without worrying too much about calorie intake.
  3. Digestive Friend: Bottle gourd is rich in dietary fiber, which is good for your digestive system. It keeps things moving smoothly and can help prevent constipation.

15 health benefits of bottle gourd:



Bottle gourd has a high water content, which can help keep you hydrated, especially on hot days.

Low in Calories:

It’s low in calories, making it a great choice for weight-conscious individuals.

Digestive Health:

The fiber in bottle gourd aids digestion, prevents constipation, and supports a healthy gut.

Heart Health:

It may help lower bad cholesterol levels due to its fiber content, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease.

Blood Pressure Regulation:

The potassium in bottle gourd can help regulate blood pressure and maintain a healthy heart.

Weight Management:

With its low calorie and high fiber content, it can be a valuable addition to weight loss diets.

Rich in Nutrients:

Bottle gourd is a source of essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin B, calcium, and magnesium.


It contains antioxidants that can reduce inflammation in the body, potentially lowering the risk of chronic diseases.

Liver Health:

Some studies suggest it may support liver health by aiding detoxification processes.

Diabetes Management:

It may help stabilize blood sugar levels due to its fiber content, which can be beneficial for those with diabetes.

Skin Health:

The vitamins and water in bottle gourd can contribute to clear, glowing skin.

Hair Growth:

The nutrients in bottle gourd can promote healthy hair growth and reduce hair fall.

Bone Health:

It contains calcium and magnesium, which are essential for strong bones.

Stress Reduction:

Bottle gourd has properties that may help reduce stress and anxiety.


Its antioxidants can help slow down the aging process and keep your skin looking youthful.

While bottle gourd offers many health benefits, it’s essential to consume it as part of a balanced diet and consult with a healthcare professional for specific health concerns or dietary needs.

How to Enjoy Bottle Gourd


You can include bottle gourd in your diet in various ways:

  • Curries: It’s commonly used in Indian cuisine, often added to curries and stews.
  • Stir-Fries: You can stir-fry it with other vegetables and spices for a tasty side dish.
  • Juices and Smoothies: Some people blend it into juices or smoothies for a refreshing drink.
  • Soups: Bottle gourd can be a key ingredient in light and nutritious soups.

Who should not eat bottle gourd?


While bottle gourd is healthy for most people, there are a few cases where you should be careful or avoid it:

  1. Allergies: If you’re allergic to foods like cucumbers or melons, which are related to bottle gourd, it’s safer to stay away from it to prevent allergic reactions.
  2. Sensitive Stomach: Some people might feel gassy or bloated after eating bottle gourd, especially if they have sensitive stomachs. If that’s you, go easy on it and see how your body reacts.
  3. Kidney Issues: Bottle gourd has a lot of water and potassium, which can be a problem if you have kidney problems. Check with your doctor before adding it to your diet.
  4. Medications: If you’re taking medicines for blood pressure or diabetes, the potassium in bottle gourd could interact with your meds. Ask your doctor if it’s safe for you.
  5. Unripe or Bitter Types: Some bottle gourds are bitter or not fully ripe and may contain harmful substances. Make sure to pick fresh, ripe ones and cook them well.
  6. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: If you’re pregnant or nursing, it’s okay to have some bottle gourd, but not too much. Just make sure it’s cooked thoroughly.
  7. Infants and Small Kids: Bottle gourd isn’t a great choice for babies or very young kids because it has a lot of water, which might not be good for their tiny tummies.

Remember, everyone’s different, so it’s smart to talk to a doctor or nutrition expert if you have questions or health issues before eating bottle gourd. And when you do eat it, make sure it’s fresh and cooked properly for safety.

Is bottle gourd hot or cold for body?

Bottle gourd is often considered a “cooling” vegetable for the body.

This means that it is believed to have a cooling effect and can help in reducing body heat, especially during hot weather.

People sometimes use it to stay refreshed and hydrated in warm climates. It’s not spicy or warming; instead, it’s considered soothing and cooling.

However, individual experiences can vary, so it’s essential to listen to your body and see how it affects you.

Can we drink bottle gourd juice daily?


Yes, it’s generally okay to have bottle gourd juice daily, but here are some things to remember:

  1. Not Too Much: Don’t drink too much bottle gourd juice. Like anything else, moderation is key.
  2. Mix It Up: It’s a good idea to drink different kinds of juices to get a variety of nutrients. Don’t rely only on bottle gourd juice.
  3. Prepare it Right: Make sure your bottle gourd is fresh, ripe, and clean before you juice it. Get rid of any bitter or unripe parts.
  4. Watch Your Stomach: Some people might feel gassy or uncomfortable after drinking bottle gourd juice. If that happens, you can cut back or talk to a doctor.
  5. Health Conditions: If you have health problems or take medicines, ask your doctor before you start drinking bottle gourd juice every day. This is especially important if you have kidney issues or a special diet.
  6. Keep it Balanced: Remember, a healthy diet includes lots of different foods like fruits, veggies, proteins, and grains. Bottle gourd juice is great, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle.

As long as you enjoy bottle gourd juice in the right amounts and it doesn’t upset your stomach, it can be a tasty and healthy addition to your daily routine.

Bottle Gourd Side Effects


Bottle gourd, a commonly used vegetable, usually doesn’t cause problems, but it’s essential to be aware of some potential side effects:

  1. Stomach Issues: If you eat too much bottle gourd, especially if it’s not cooked well or not ripe, it might upset your stomach, leading to gas, bloating, or diarrhea. So, go easy on it and make sure it’s cooked properly.
  2. Toxic Types: Some bottle gourds can taste bitter or contain harmful stuff. Avoid those kinds because they can be unsafe, especially if you eat a lot of them. Stick to fresh and sweet-tasting bottle gourds.
  3. Kidney Concerns: Bottle gourd has potassium, which could be a problem if you have kidney issues. It’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about how much is safe for you to eat.
  4. Medication Interactions: If you’re on medication for things like high blood pressure or diabetes, keep in mind that bottle gourd has a fair bit of potassium, which might not mix well with your meds. Check with your doctor for advice.
  5. Allergic Reactions: Some people may be allergic to bottle gourd or veggies like cucumbers and melons, which are in the same family. If you notice itching, swelling, or a rash after eating it, seek medical help.
  6. Unripe Parts: Always remove any parts of the bottle gourd that are not fully ripe or taste bitter. They can have nasty stuff in them.
  7. Too Much Water: Since bottle gourd has lots of water, overdoing it can make you overly hydrated, which might mess up your electrolyte balance. Keep an eye on how much you’re drinking.
  8. Not for Little Ones: Bottle gourd isn’t the best choice for babies or really young kids because it has so much water that it can affect how they absorb nutrients.

In short, while bottle gourd is generally safe and healthy, it’s wise to enjoy it in reasonable amounts, make sure it’s ripe and cooked well, and talk to your doctor if you have health concerns.

Is Bottle Gourd (Lauki) Good for Your Kidneys?


Yes, bottle gourd, also known as lauki or calabash, can be good for your kidneys. Here’s why:

  1. Keeps You Hydrated: Bottle gourd has lots of water, which helps keep your kidneys working well. When you’re properly hydrated, your kidneys can do their job more efficiently.
  2. Low in Potassium: It doesn’t have much potassium, which is a good thing for your kidneys. High potassium can be tough on them, so eating low-potassium foods like bottle gourd can help.
  3. Helps Digestion: Bottle gourd has fiber, which is good for your digestion. When your digestion is healthy, it takes some pressure off your kidneys by getting rid of waste properly.
  4. Nutrient Boost: It’s not just good for your kidneys; it’s packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are good for your overall health.

Just remember to eat it in moderation as part of a balanced diet. If you have kidney issues or are following a specific diet, talk to a healthcare pro or a dietitian. They can give you personalized advice on how to include bottle gourd while considering your kidney health.

Will bottle gourd reduce creatinine?


  • Just consuming bottle gourd by itself is not a surefire way to lower high creatinine levels.
  • Creatinine is a waste product in your body that your kidneys filter out. High levels of creatinine can indicate kidney issues.
  • While drinking enough water and having a balanced diet that includes foods like bottle gourd can help your kidneys, they may not directly bring down high creatinine levels.
  • If you’re worried about high creatinine, it’s crucial to talk to a doctor. They can figure out the cause and recommend specific treatments or diet changes to manage it.
  • Addressing high creatinine usually involves finding and treating the underlying problem, which can vary from person to person.
  • For personalized advice about your creatinine levels, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional.

Bottle gourd benefits for weight loss

You might be surprised to know that bottle gourd, also known as lauki or calabash, can be a helpful addition to your weight loss journey. Here’s why:

  1. Low in Calories: Bottle gourd is super light on the calorie scale. This means you can eat a good amount of it without taking in too many calories, which is great if you’re watching your weight.
  2. Lots of Water: It’s like a water-filled veggie. All that water can help you feel full and satisfied, and staying hydrated is important for overall health and weight management.
  3. Fiber Friend: Bottle gourd has dietary fiber, which is fantastic for digestion and curbing your appetite. Fiber keeps you feeling full for longer, so you’re less tempted to snack on high-calorie stuff.
  4. Nutrient Bonus: Even though it’s low-calorie, bottle gourd doesn’t skimp on essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. So, you’re getting those good nutrients without loading up on calories.
  5. Cutting Down on Fat: You can use bottle gourd in your cooking to replace or reduce higher-calorie ingredients like oil or butter.
  6. Staying Hydrated: Proper hydration is key for weight loss and overall health. Bottle gourd’s water content helps you stay well-hydrated.
  7. Balancing Blood Sugar: It has a low glycemic index, which means it doesn’t cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. This can help reduce cravings for sugary snacks.

Remember, while bottle gourd can be a helpful addition to your weight loss plan, it’s not a magic solution. A balanced diet, exercise, and consistency are essential for successful and lasting weight management.

If you’re planning significant dietary changes or have specific weight loss goals, it’s a good idea to talk to a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian for personalized advice.

Bottle gourd benefits for hair


You might be surprised to learn that bottle gourd, also known as lauki or calabash, can do wonders for your hair. Here’s how:

  1. Keeps You Hydrated: Bottle gourd is packed with water, and staying hydrated is essential for keeping your hair in top shape. It helps maintain a healthy scalp and hair follicles.
  2. Nutrient-Rich: It’s like a vitamin and mineral treasure chest. Bottle gourd contains stuff like vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, and iron – all of which your hair loves. These nutrients support hair growth and strength.
  3. Dandruff Helper: Some folks use bottle gourd juice as a natural way to deal with dandruff and an itchy scalp. Applying it to your scalp can help calm any irritation.
  4. Cooling Effect: In traditional medicine, it’s thought that bottle gourd’s cooling properties can create a good environment for your scalp and prevent hair issues caused by excess heat.
  5. Moisture Boost: The water in bottle gourd adds moisture to your hair and scalp, preventing dryness and giving your locks a healthy shine.
  6. Hair Fall Control: While it’s not proven scientifically, some people say bottle gourd helps reduce hair loss. Its nutrients and cooling nature might contribute to healthier hair.

Bottle gourd benefits for skin


You might not have guessed it, but bottle gourd, also known as lauki or calabash, can work wonders for your skin. Here’s how:

  1. Keeps Your Skin Hydrated: Bottle gourd is mostly water, and that’s like a drink of refreshing goodness for your skin. Hydrated skin is happy skin, and it looks healthier too.
  2. Packs Antioxidants: Inside that green goodness, you’ll find antioxidants like vitamin C. They’re like little soldiers that protect your skin from damage caused by things like pollution and the sun. This can help your skin stay youthful and glowing.
  3. Soothes Irritated Skin: Some folks use bottle gourd on their skin to calm things down when it’s irritated, like after too much sun or from a rash. Its cooling effect can be really soothing.
  4. Vitamin A Boost: Bottle gourd has vitamin A, which is like a superhero for your skin. It helps your skin cells renew themselves, giving you that fresh and youthful look. Plus, it can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  5. Collagen Helper: The vitamin C in bottle gourd can kickstart your skin’s collagen production. Collagen is like your skin’s support system, keeping it firm and bouncy.
  6. Detox Potential: Some say drinking bottle gourd juice can help detoxify your body, which might lead to clearer skin.
  7. Anti-Aging Ally: With its hydration, antioxidants, and skin-loving nutrients, bottle gourd can be your secret weapon against aging skin.

Bottle gourd juice recipe


Homemade Bottle Gourd Juice


  • 1 medium-sized bottle gourd (lauki)
  • 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice (optional, for added flavor)
  • A pinch of salt (optional)
  • Water


  1. Start by washing the bottle gourd thoroughly to remove any dirt or impurities from the skin.
  2. Peel the skin off the bottle gourd using a knife or a peeler. You can keep some skin if you prefer a slightly earthy taste, but removing most of it is recommended for a smoother juice.
  3. Cut the peeled bottle gourd into small pieces. This makes it easier to blend.
  4. Put the bottle gourd pieces into a blender or food processor. Add a bit of water to help with blending. You can adjust the amount of water based on how thick or thin you want your juice to be.
  5. Blend the bottle gourd until it turns into a smooth, green liquid.
  6. If you want to add some zing to your juice, squeeze in the juice of a lemon and add a pinch of salt. Stir well.
  7. Taste the juice and adjust the flavors as needed. You can add more lemon juice or a touch of honey if you prefer it sweeter.
  8. Once you’re satisfied with the taste, strain the juice through a fine sieve or cheesecloth to remove any remaining pulp or fibers. This step is optional if you enjoy the texture, but straining makes the juice smoother.
  9. Pour your fresh bottle gourd juice into a glass, add some ice cubes if you like, and enjoy the cool, nutritious drink!

Remember that bottle gourd juice is best consumed fresh for maximum nutritional benefits. You can get creative by adding mint leaves or other fruits like cucumber or apple for extra flavor variations.

Enjoy your homemade bottle gourd juice!

Bottle Gourd Benefits: From Weight Loss to Digestive Health

  1. Weight Loss: Bottle gourd is incredibly low in calories and rich in water content. This makes it an excellent addition to a weight loss diet. It helps you feel full without adding many calories, making it easier to manage your weight.
  2. Hydration: With its high water content (over 90%), bottle gourd is an effective way to stay hydrated. Proper hydration is essential for overall health and can benefit your skin, hair, and bodily functions.
  3. Digestive Health: Bottle gourd contains dietary fiber, which aids in digestion. Fiber helps prevent constipation and ensures that your digestive system functions smoothly.
  4. Low in Calories: If you’re watching your calorie intake, bottle gourd is a fantastic choice. You can enjoy generous portions without worrying about excessive calories.
  5. Rich in Nutrients: Despite being low in calories, bottle gourd provides essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, and iron. These nutrients are crucial for overall health.
  6. Heart Health: The dietary fiber and potassium in bottle gourd can help maintain healthy blood pressure levels and support heart health.
  7. Detoxification: Some people believe that bottle gourd can help detoxify the body due to its high water and fiber content. While more research is needed, it can be a part of a cleansing diet.
  8. Skin and Hair Health: Bottle gourd’s hydration and nutrient content may contribute to healthier skin and hair. Its antioxidants can protect the skin from oxidative damage.
  9. Cooling Effect: In traditional medicine, bottle gourd is considered a cooling vegetable, making it popular during hot weather. It can help regulate body temperature and provide relief from heat-related discomfort.
  10. Digestive Disorders: Bottle gourd is often recommended for individuals with digestive disorders, such as acidity or ulcers, due to its soothing properties.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)


Is bottle gourd good for weight loss? A1: Yes, bottle gourd is great for weight loss. It’s super low in calories but packed with water and fiber, which help you feel full without adding extra calories to your diet. It’s a smart addition to any weight loss plan.

Q2: Can bottle gourd help with digestion? A2: Absolutely! Bottle gourd contains dietary fiber, which is like a superhero for digestion. It keeps things moving smoothly in your digestive system and helps prevent constipation.

Q3: Is bottle gourd good for my skin? A3: Yes, bottle gourd can benefit your skin. It’s hydrating, has antioxidants like vitamin C, and is believed to protect your skin from damage caused by things like pollution and the sun.

Q4: Can I eat bottle gourd if I’m on a diet? A4: Absolutely! Bottle gourd is a dieter’s dream. It’s low in calories, high in water content, and rich in nutrients. It can help you manage your weight while providing essential vitamins and minerals.

Q5: Does bottle gourd help with hydration? A5: Definitely! Bottle gourd is over 90% water, so it’s like a natural hydration booster. Staying properly hydrated is essential for your overall health, and bottle gourd can help with that.

Q6: Is bottle gourd good for my heart? A6: Yes, it can be. The fiber and potassium in bottle gourd may help maintain healthy blood pressure levels, which is good for your heart.

Q7: Can bottle gourd detoxify my body? A7: Some people believe it can. Because it’s hydrating and high in fiber, bottle gourd is often included in cleansing or detox diets. While more research is needed, it can certainly be part of a body-friendly diet.

Q8: Is bottle gourd safe for digestive problems? A8: Yes, it’s often recommended for people with digestive issues like acidity or ulcers due to its soothing properties. However, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Ramesh Gaddam, M.D.

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