11 Health Benefits of Custard Apple (Men, Women, Skin, Hair)

custard apple benefits nutrition side effects

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Custard apple, scientifically known as Annona reticulata, is a tropical fruit that is native to the Americas but is now grown in many parts of the world, including Asia, Africa, and Australia.

It is also commonly known by other names such as sugar apple, sweetsop, and cherimoya in different regions. Custard apples are typically green, heart-shaped or irregularly spherical fruits with a bumpy or knobby surface. The skin is thick and inedible.

Custard apples offer a range of health benefits due to their rich nutritional profile. They are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants like vitamin C, and dietary fiber.

These nutrients support overall health, aid digestion, boost immunity, and contribute to skin and heart health among other benefits.


Custard Apple
Custard Apple


1. Custard Apple Nutrition


Nutrition of Custard Apple per 100 Grams:

NutrientAmount per 100g
Calories94 calories
Carbohydrates23.6 grams
Dietary Fiber3.3 grams
Sugars20.2 grams
Protein2.1 grams
Fat0.4 grams
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)17.6 mg (29% DV)
Potassium247 mg (7% DV)
Calcium37 mg (4% DV)
Iron0.5 mg (3% DV)

2. Custard Apple Benefits


The health benefits of Custard Apple are as follows:

Rich in Nutrients:

Custard apples are a good source of essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, dietary fiber, potassium, and various B vitamins.

These nutrients are important for overall health and well-being.

Antioxidant Properties:

Custard apples contain antioxidants, such as vitamin C and other phytonutrients, which can help protect cells from oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Boosting Immune System:

The vitamin C content in custard apples can enhance the immune system’s function, helping the body fight off infections and illnesses.

Digestive Health:

The dietary fiber in custard apples can aid digestion by promoting regular bowel movements and preventing constipation.

Heart Health:

Potassium, found in custard apples, can help regulate blood pressure and reduce the risk of hypertension, thus supporting heart health.

Weight Management:

The high fiber content in custard apples can contribute to a feeling of fullness, potentially aiding in weight management by reducing overeating.

Skin Health:

The antioxidants in custard apples may help improve skin health by protecting against oxidative damage and promoting a healthy complexion.


Some compounds in custard apples may have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation and related health issues.

Bone Health:

Custard apples contain small amounts of calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones.

Anticancer Properties:

Some studies suggest that the bioactive compounds in custard apples may have potential anticancer properties, although more research is needed in this area.


3. Custard Apple Side Effects


Custard apples are generally safe to consume and are enjoyed by many people around the world.

However, as with any food, there can be potential side effects or considerations to keep in mind:


Some individuals may be allergic to custard apples. Allergic reactions can include skin rashes, itching, swelling, or gastrointestinal symptoms.

If you are allergic to other fruits in the Annona family, you should exercise caution when trying custard apples.

High Sugar Content

Custard apples are naturally sweet due to their high sugar content.

If you have diabetes or are trying to manage your blood sugar levels, you should consume custard apples in moderation and monitor your blood glucose response.

Gastrointestinal Upset

Eating too much custard apple in one sitting may lead to digestive discomfort, such as stomach cramps, gas, or diarrhea, due to its high fiber content.

Weight Gain

Because custard apples are relatively high in natural sugars, consuming them excessively can contribute to weight gain if not balanced with a proper diet and exercise.

Seed Toxicity

While the flesh of custard apples is edible and nutritious, the seeds contain toxic compounds, such as annonacin.

Ingesting custard apple seeds in large quantities can be harmful, leading to nausea, vomiting, and potentially more severe toxic effects.

It is advisable to avoid eating the seeds.

Interactions with Medications

If you are taking certain medications, particularly those that affect blood sugar, potassium levels, or blood pressure, consult your healthcare provider before adding custard apples to your diet, as they may interact with the medications.

Oral Discomfort

Custard apples contain oxalic acid, which may cause oral discomfort or astringency for some individuals, similar to what you might experience with certain other fruits like unripe persimmons.

Pregnancy and Lactation

Some sources suggest that custard apples may have uterine-stimulating properties and, therefore, should be consumed in moderation during pregnancy.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before including custard apples in your diet.


4. Custard Apple Uses


Custard Apple can be used in the following ways.

Consumed Fresh

The most common and popular use of custard apples is to eat them fresh.

The creamy, sweet flesh is scooped out and eaten with a spoon. It’s a delicious and nutritious fruit enjoyed as a snack or dessert.

Juices and Smoothies

Custard apples are used to make refreshing juices and smoothies.

Blend the flesh with water or milk and add a touch of sweetener if desired.


Custard apples are often used in desserts like custard apple ice cream, sorbet, puddings, and tarts.

The sweet, custard-like texture pairs well with other sweets.


Custard apples can be added to milkshakes to enhance their flavor and creaminess.

Some people also make custard apple milkshakes with a hint of nutmeg or cardamom.


Chunks of custard apples can be added to fruit salads to provide a unique and sweet flavor to the mix.

Jams and Preserves

The pulp of custard apples can be used to make jams, jellies, and preserves.

Their natural sweetness and aroma make them an excellent choice for these applications.


Custard apple syrup can be used as a topping for pancakes, waffles, or ice cream, or as a sweetener for beverages and cocktails.

Liqueurs and Cocktails

Some alcoholic beverages and cocktails use custard apple liqueur or custard apple puree as an ingredient.

Face Masks

Some people use custard apple pulp in homemade face masks.

The fruit is believed to have skin-nourishing properties that can help improve complexion and reduce skin issues.

Traditional Medicine

In some cultures, custard apples have been used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments.

However, it’s important to note that scientific evidence supporting these medicinal uses is limited, and you should consult with a healthcare professional for medical advice.


Custard apple seeds can be used for propagation in gardening. You can grow custard apple trees from seeds to produce more fruit.

Livestock Feed

In some regions, custard apple leaves and fruit are used as fodder for livestock.


5. Benefits in Pregnancy


Custard apples offer a range of nutritional benefits ideal for pregnancy. Rich in essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, dietary fiber, potassium, and B vitamins, they support maternal health and fetal development.

The dietary fiber aids digestion, alleviating common pregnancy-related constipation issues, while the vitamin C boosts immunity, crucial for protecting against infections during this vulnerable period.

Custard apples, with their low calorie but satisfying natural sugars, help manage weight gain and provide quick energy boosts needed to combat pregnancy fatigue.

Their high water content aids hydration, essential for supporting increased blood volume and other physiological changes during pregnancy.

Moreover, custard apples’ sweet flavor makes them palatable for women experiencing taste alterations or food aversions.

Though not exceptionally high in folate, they contribute to overall intake, important for preventing neural tube defects in the developing fetus.

Things to Remember


Despite these potential benefits, it’s important to consume custard apples in moderation and as part of a well-balanced diet.

Here are some considerations:

  • As with any fruit, custard apples should be washed thoroughly to remove any potential contaminants.
  • Pregnant women should be cautious about fruit allergies.
  • If there is a known allergy to fruits in the Annona family, it’s advisable to avoid custard apples.
  • Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables during pregnancy is essential to ensure a broad spectrum of nutrients.
  • Custard apples should be one of many choices.
  • If you have specific dietary concerns or medical conditions during pregnancy, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian to ensure that your diet meets your specific needs.
  • Overconsumption of custard apples should be avoided, as consuming excessive quantities of any food can lead to digestive discomfort.



In summary, custard apples can be a healthy and enjoyable addition to a pregnant woman’s diet, offering a variety of nutrients and benefits when consumed in moderation.

However, it’s important to maintain a balanced and varied diet and to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized dietary recommendations during pregnancy.


6. Benefits for Hair


Custard apples, also known as sugar apples or sweetsop, are a nutritious fruit that provides several vitamins and minerals beneficial for overall health.

While custard apples themselves are not a direct solution to specific hair-related issues, their nutritional content can indirectly contribute to healthy hair growth and maintenance.

Here are some ways in which custard apples and a well-balanced diet can support hair health:

Vitamin C

Custard apples contain vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps combat free radicals and oxidative stress.

A healthy scalp is crucial for hair growth, and vitamin C supports collagen production, which in turn contributes to scalp health.


The antioxidants found in custard apples can help protect hair follicles from damage caused by environmental factors.

This protection may reduce the risk of hair loss and breakage, promoting healthier hair overall.


Custard apples provide some iron, which plays a vital role in maintaining healthy hair.

Iron deficiency can contribute to hair loss or thinning, making it important to include iron-rich foods like custard apples in the diet.


While custard apples themselves are not a significant source of protein, a balanced diet that includes various protein sources along with fruits and vegetables supports overall hair health.

Protein is essential for the structure of hair, promoting growth and strength.


Custard apples have a high water content, contributing to overall hydration levels in the body.

Adequate hydration is essential for maintaining hair health, as dehydration can lead to dryness and brittle hair.


7. Benefits for Skin


Custard apples and their nutritional content may positively affect skin health:

Antioxidant Properties

Custard apples contain antioxidants, including vitamin C, which help protect the skin from oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals.

This can potentially reduce the signs of premature aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines.

Collagen Production

Vitamin C found in custard apples is essential for the production of collagen, a protein crucial for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness.

Adequate collagen levels can help sustain youthful-looking skin over time.


Custard apples have a high water content, contributing to skin hydration.

Proper hydration is crucial for maintaining skin health, preventing dryness, and promoting a healthy complexion.

Wound Healing

Vitamin C plays a vital role in the body’s natural wound healing processes.

Consuming custard apples can aid in skin repair and recovery from minor cuts, scratches, or blemishes.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Some compounds in custard apples may possess anti-inflammatory properties.

This can help reduce redness, swelling, and irritation in the skin, particularly beneficial for individuals with sensitive or inflamed skin conditions.

Acne Prevention

The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of custard apples may help in preventing acne breakouts by keeping the skin clean and free from excess oil and impurities.

Sun Damage Protection

While custard apples are not a replacement for sunscreen, the antioxidants they contain can offer some protection against UV damage.

This protection helps mitigate the effects of sunburn and contributes to maintaining healthier skin under sun exposure.


8. Benefits for Weight Loss


Custard apples, while a nutritious and delicious fruit, are not typically associated with direct weight loss benefits. However, they can be a part of a healthy and balanced diet that supports weight management and overall well-being.

Here’s how custard apples, as part of a holistic approach, can contribute to weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight:

Low in Calories

Custard apples are relatively low in calories, making them a satisfying and nutritious snack option without significantly impacting your daily calorie intake.

Dietary Fiber

Custard apples contain dietary fiber, which promotes a feeling of fullness and satisfaction.

This can help curb cravings for less healthy, calorie-dense foods, supporting weight management efforts.


The high water content in custard apples contributes to hydration, which is essential for effective weight management.

Adequate hydration helps prevent confusion between thirst and hunger, reducing the likelihood of unnecessary calorie consumption.

Nutrient Density

Custard apples are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, offering nutrient density while helping to control calorie intake.

This ensures that you receive necessary nutrients for overall health without excessive calories.


9. Custard Apple for Diabetes


Custard apples can be a suitable fruit choice for individuals with diabetes when consumed in moderation and as part of a balanced diet.

Here are some considerations regarding custard apples for diabetes management:

Glycemic Index

Custard apples have a moderate glycemic index (GI), which means they do not cause a rapid spike in blood glucose levels.

This can be beneficial for managing blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. However, portion control is important.

Natural Sugars

While custard apples are naturally sweet due to their fructose content, they also contain dietary fiber.

Fiber helps slow down the absorption of sugars, which can prevent sudden increases in blood sugar levels.

Nutrient Profile

Custard apples are rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, potassium, and B vitamins.

These nutrients support overall health and can be beneficial for individuals with diabetes, who may have increased nutrient needs.

Portion Control

It’s important for individuals with diabetes to monitor their carbohydrate intake, including fruits like custard apples.

Eating a small to moderate-sized custard apple as part of a balanced meal or snack can help manage blood sugar levels effectively.

Consultation with Healthcare Provider

As with any dietary change, individuals with diabetes should consult their healthcare provider or a registered dietitian for personalized advice on incorporating custard apples into their meal plan.

They can provide guidance based on individual health goals, medication regimen, and overall dietary needs.

10. Benefits for Male and Female


Custard apples are packed with essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, dietary fiber, potassium, and B vitamins, benefiting both men and women’s overall health. These nutrients play crucial roles in various bodily functions.

Antioxidants, particularly vitamin C found in custard apples, combat free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, supporting overall health. The potassium content aids in regulating blood pressure, promoting heart health for both genders.

Additionally, the dietary fiber in custard apples supports digestive health by aiding digestion and preventing constipation.

Custard apples’ vitamin C content also enhances the immune system, aiding in fighting infections. The fiber contributes to weight management by promoting satiety and preventing overeating.

Carbohydrates in custard apples provide quick energy, beneficial for daily activities and workouts.

Their high water content supports hydration, crucial for health. Antioxidants in custard apples may improve skin health by reducing oxidative damage and inflammation, potentially enhancing complexion and overall skin condition.


11. Benefits for Sperm


While custard apples provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants supporting overall health, they do not directly improve sperm health or fertility.

However, their antioxidants, like vitamin C, may indirectly benefit male reproductive health by reducing oxidative stress, potentially enhancing sperm quality and motility. A balanced diet, including custard apples, supports overall health crucial for reproductive function.

Vitamin C aids collagen production important for reproductive tissue health, and their high water content promotes hydration, vital for bodily functions. Custard apples can aid weight management and support digestive health through dietary fiber.

Consulting a healthcare provider or fertility specialist for personalized advice on optimizing reproductive health is advisable.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


People searched for questions related to Custard Apple are:

Is custard apple high in sugar?

Custard apples are naturally sweet due to their high sugar content, primarily fructose and glucose.

While they are sweet, custard apples are not considered high in sugar compared to many processed foods or desserts.

How many custard apple can we eat in a day?

It is generally safe to consume 1-2 custard apples per day, depending on individual caloric needs and overall dietary intake.

Moderation is key due to their natural sugar content.

Is custard apple hot or cold?

Custard apples are considered cooling or “cold” in nature according to traditional Ayurvedic principles.

They are often consumed to cool the body in hot climates.

What is the best time to eat custard apples?

Custard apples can be eaten as a snack or dessert.

There is no specific “best” time, but they are commonly enjoyed during breakfast, as a mid-morning snack, or after meals.

Can we drink water immediately after eating custard apple?

It is generally okay to drink water after eating custard apple.

Drinking water helps with digestion and can aid in preventing dehydration, especially since custard apples have a high water content.

Is custard apple heavy to digest?

Custard apples are relatively easy to digest due to their fiber content.

However, eating too much at once may cause some individuals to experience slight heaviness in digestion.

What are the side effects of custard apple?

Potential side effects of custard apple include allergic reactions in sensitive individuals, such as skin rashes or gastrointestinal discomfort.

Consuming custard apple seeds in large quantities can be toxic.

Does custard apple increase acidity?

Custard apples are generally considered to have a mildly acidic pH, but they are not known to significantly increase acidity levels in the body.

Is custard apple fatty?

Custard apples are low in fat and are not considered a fatty fruit. They primarily provide carbohydrates from natural sugars and dietary fiber.

Is Custard apple good for piles?

Custard apple is sometimes recommended for its fiber content, which can aid in digestion and potentially alleviate symptoms of constipation, a common issue associated with piles.

However, individual responses may vary.

Which vitamin is in Custard apple?

Custard apples are rich in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant important for immune function and collagen production.

They also contain B vitamins like vitamin B6 and minerals such as potassium.

Can we drink milk after eating Custard apple?

Yes, it is generally safe to drink milk after eating custard apple.

Milk provides additional nutrients and can complement the nutritional benefits of custard apple.

Can I eat curd with custard apple?

Yes, custard apple can be eaten with curd. This combination can provide a mix of flavors and textures, and it is safe to consume together.

Is custard apple good for skin?

Yes, custard apples contain antioxidants like vitamin C, which help protect the skin from oxidative stress and promote skin health.

They may contribute to a healthy complexion.

Can we eat custard apple on an empty stomach?

Yes, custard apples can be eaten on an empty stomach.

They are light and relatively easy to digest, making them suitable for consumption at any time of the day.

Can I eat custard apple at night?

Yes, custard apples can be eaten at night as a healthy snack or dessert.

They are not known to cause any specific issues if consumed before bedtime.

Is Sitafal hot or cold?

Sitafal, another name for custard apple, is considered cooling or “cold” in nature according to traditional Ayurvedic principles.

It is often consumed to cool the body in hot weather.

What is the right way to eat custard apple?

To eat custard apple, cut it in half and scoop out the creamy flesh with a spoon. Avoid eating the seeds as they contain toxic compounds.

Can I eat custard apple and banana together?

Yes, custard apple and banana can be eaten together. They complement each other well in taste and nutrition, providing a mix of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

What happens if we drink water after eating custard apple?

Drinking water after eating custard apple can aid in digestion and help maintain hydration levels. It is generally beneficial for overall health.

Can we eat egg after eating custard apple?

Yes, custard apple and eggs can be eaten together. They are different types of foods and can be part of a balanced meal.


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Mrs.Sumalan, Health Editor who has completed her Graduation in Sciences, Contributed 450+ articles on Health, Diet, Nutrition, Fitness, Beauty, Weight Management, Kids Health, Men's Health, Women's Health, Mental Health, Sleep, Meditation and more since inception of website "https://healthbuildup.com"

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