Are Bean Sprouts a Super Food? (15 Health Benefits)

Medically reviewed by Dr. Ramesh Gaddam, M.D. — Written by Sumalatha, D.N.H.E

Bean sprouts are a healthy food that is low in calories but high in important vitamins and minerals. They are good for you in many ways, like keeping your heart healthy, helping your digestion, and boosting your immune system.

Bean sprouts are also high in fiber, which can help with weight loss. They may even help reduce the risk of serious health problems like cancer and heart disease. Eating bean sprouts as part of a balanced diet can improve your overall health and well-being.


1. Bean Sprouts Nutrition


Nutritional profile of bean sprouts per 100g.

NutrientAmount per 100g
Calories30 kcal
Protein3.0 g
Carbohydrates6.0 g
Dietary Fiber1.6 g
Sugars2.0 g
Fat0.2 g
Vitamin C13.0 mg
Vitamin K10.0 µg
Folate (Vitamin B9)61.0 µg
Calcium35.0 mg
Iron1.0 mg
Magnesium25.0 mg
Potassium270.0 mg
Sodium6.0 mg

2. Bean Sprouts Health Benefits


Bean sprouts offer numerous health benefits, including:


bean sprouts health benefits

1. Keeps your Heart Healthy


Bean sprouts are good for your heart because they are high in fiber and antioxidants.

They can help lower bad cholesterol and support a healthy heart.

The antioxidants in bean sprouts help reduce inflammation and keep your heart healthy. Eating bean sprouts regularly might help lower the risk of heart disease.

2. Support Digestive Health

The fiber in bean sprouts helps keep your digestive system working smoothly.

It can prevent constipation by helping food move through your digestive tract.

Including bean sprouts in your diet can support regular bowel movements and overall gut health. They are a simple way to improve digestion.

3. May Strengthen Immune System

Bean sprouts contain antioxidants and vitamins that help strengthen your immune system.

These nutrients help your body fight off infections and illnesses. Vitamin C, in particular, supports immune function and helps keep you healthy.

Adding bean sprouts to your meals can boost your body’s defenses.

4. May have Anti-Cancer Properties

Bean sprouts have compounds that may help slow the growth of some cancer cells.

These compounds might be beneficial for reducing the risk of cancers such as breast and digestive cancers.

While more research is needed, including bean sprouts in your diet may offer some protective benefits. They are a healthy choice for cancer prevention.

5. May Helps in Weight Management

Because bean sprouts are low in calories and high in fiber, they can help you feel full and satisfied.

This can make it easier to manage your weight and reduce overall calorie intake

. Bean sprouts are a nutritious and filling option that supports weight loss efforts. They are a great addition to a healthy diet.

6. Makes your Bones Strong

Bean sprouts are a good source of calcium and vitamin K, which are important for strong bones.

Calcium helps build bone strength, while vitamin K supports bone health and reduces the risk of fractures.

Eating bean sprouts regularly can contribute to healthy and strong bones. They are a valuable part of a bone-friendly diet.

7. Promotes Skin Health

The antioxidants in bean sprouts help protect your skin from damage and improve its appearance.

Vitamin C helps your skin stay firm and youthful by supporting collagen production.

Eating bean sprouts can help reduce signs of aging and promote healthy skin. They are a simple way to support skin health.

8. May controls Blood Pressure

Bean sprouts contain compounds that may help lower blood pressure. They also have potassium, which can help balance out the effects of sodium in your diet.

Regularly eating bean sprouts can support healthy blood pressure levels. They are a beneficial addition to a diet aimed at managing blood pressure.

9. Have Anti-Inflammatory Effects

The antioxidants in bean sprouts help reduce inflammation in the body.

This can lower the risk of chronic diseases linked to inflammation, such as heart disease.

By eating bean sprouts, you can help manage inflammation and support overall health. They offer a simple way to reduce inflammation.

10. May Improves Metabolism

Bean sprouts are rich in B vitamins, which help your body use food for energy.

These vitamins support healthy metabolism and help keep your energy levels steady.

Including bean sprouts in your diet can enhance your metabolic health. They are a nutritious way to support energy production.

11. Improves Eye Health

The vitamins and antioxidants in bean sprouts help protect your eyes and support good vision.

They may reduce the risk of eye problems like cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

Eating bean sprouts can contribute to maintaining healthy eyesight. They are a helpful food for eye health.

12. Helps in Controlling Blood Sugar

The fiber in bean sprouts helps keep blood sugar levels stable.

It slows down the absorption of sugar, which can help manage diabetes and prevent blood sugar spikes.

Including bean sprouts in your meals can support better blood sugar control. They are a smart choice for managing blood sugar.

13. Supports Mental Health

Bean sprouts contain nutrients like vitamin C and magnesium that support mental health. These nutrients can help balance your mood and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Eating bean sprouts may contribute to better mental well-being. They are a helpful addition for mood support.

14. Helps in Healing and Recovery

The vitamins and minerals in bean sprouts support faster healing and overall recovery.

They help your body repair tissues and improve general health. Including bean sprouts in your diet can speed up recovery from injuries and boost overall wellness.

They are a beneficial food for supporting healing.

3. How to Prepare Bean Sprouts?


how to prepare bean sprouts?


Start by cleaning the bean sprouts. Place them in a colander and rinse under cold water. Use your hands to gently move the sprouts around to get rid of any dirt.

After rinsing, let them drain and then pat them dry with a paper towel. This step helps make sure the sprouts are clean and safe to eat.

Bean sprouts can be enjoyed both raw and cooked. Here are a few easy ways to cook them:



Heat a small amount of oil in a pan. Add the bean sprouts and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring often.

They should be slightly soft but still crunchy. This is a quick way to add them to dishes like stir-fries.



Boil some water and quickly dip the bean sprouts in for about 1 minute. Then, put them in a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking. This makes them a bit softer and good for salads.



Place the bean sprouts in a steamer over boiling water and steam for 2-3 minutes. Steaming keeps them tender and crisp without losing nutrients.



Heat a little oil in a pan and cook the bean sprouts for a few minutes until they are tender. This method works well for adding them to dishes like omelets or soups.


4. Storage Tips


bean sprouts storage tips


To keep bean sprouts fresh, follow these storage tips:

Keep bean sprouts in the fridge. Use a plastic bag or container with holes to let air circulate. Don’t seal them tightly, as this can make them spoil faster.

Try to use bean sprouts within 5-7 days. Check them for any signs of wilting or bad smell, and throw away any that don’t look fresh.

If you prepare bean sprouts in advance, wash and dry them before storing. This makes them ready to use in your meals.

By following these simple steps, you can enjoy bean sprouts at their freshest and most flavorful!

5. Potential Risks


Bean sprouts are nutritious but can pose risks when eaten raw due to potential bacterial contamination. Proper handling and preparation can help reduce these risks and ensure you enjoy their benefits safely.


Bean sprouts potential risks

Risks of Eating Raw Bean Sprouts


Raw bean sprouts have been linked to outbreaks of foodborne illnesses, such as salmonella and E. coli.

These bacteria can thrive in the warm, moist conditions where bean sprouts are grown.

Eating raw sprouts increases the risk of these bacteria causing stomach issues or more serious health problems.

Potential for Bacterial Contamination


Bean sprouts are grown in warm, humid environments, which are ideal for bacteria to grow.

Even with good hygiene practices, raw sprouts can still carry harmful bacteria. Cooking bean sprouts can kill these bacteria and make them safer to eat.

6. Safety Tips for Consuming Raw Sprouts


If you choose to eat raw bean sprouts, follow these safety tips:

  • Buy Fresh: Choose bean sprouts from reputable sources and ensure they look fresh.
  • Keep Clean: Wash sprouts thoroughly under running water before eating.
  • Refrigerate Promptly: Store sprouts in the fridge and use them within a week.
  • Consider Cooking: Cooking bean sprouts can help eliminate bacteria and reduce the risk of illness.

By taking these precautions, you can enjoy the nutritional benefits of bean sprouts while minimizing health risks.


7. Germination Benefits


Germinating bean sprouts can boost their health benefits. When bean sprouts start to grow, they become richer in vitamins and minerals.

Germination makes them more nutritious, increasing their levels of beneficial compounds like vitamins and antioxidants.

This process also makes them easier to digest and enhances their overall flavor. By growing bean sprouts at home, you can enjoy these extra health benefits and a fresher taste.

8. A Detoxification Superfood


Bean sprouts are often included in detox diets due to their high nutrient content and potential to support the body’s natural cleansing processes.

They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that may help neutralize harmful toxins and support liver function.

While many people believe that bean sprouts can help detoxify the body, the scientific evidence for these claims is limited.

However, incorporating them into a balanced diet can contribute to overall health and well-being, supporting the body’s ability to eliminate toxins naturally.

9. Mung Bean Sprout Juice


Mung bean sprout juice is a refreshing and nutritious drink that harnesses the health benefits of mung bean sprouts.

It’s rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which can boost energy, support digestion, and enhance overall health.

To make mung bean sprout juice, blend fresh mung bean sprouts with water until smooth, then strain the mixture to remove any solids.

The juice can be enjoyed on its own or added to smoothies for an extra nutritional boost.

Regular consumption may help improve vitality and support a healthy diet.

10.  Varieties of Bean Sprouts


  • Mung Bean Sprouts: Crunchy and slightly sweet; rich in vitamins C and K, folate, and manganese.


  • Soybean Sprouts: Larger and yellowish; contain antioxidants like isoflavones which may reduce cancer risk.


  • Lentil Sprouts: Nutty flavor; high in fiber, protein, and antioxidants such as vitamin C and phenolic compounds.


  • Chickpea Sprouts: Sweet and nutty; good source of plant-based protein, fiber, iron, and zinc.


  • Alfalfa Sprouts: Mild flavor; contain saponins which may help lower cholesterol levels.


11. Culinary Uses


Bean sprouts are versatile and can enhance a variety of dishes. When used raw, they add a fresh crunch to salads, sandwiches, wraps, and tacos.

They can also be quickly sautéed with vegetables and proteins in stir-fries for a classic, flavorful dish.

Adding bean sprouts to soups, broths, and stews towards the end of cooking boosts the nutrient content without compromising their texture.

For a nutritious twist, blend bean sprouts into dips and spreads like hummus or guacamole.

They also make a great addition to omelets and scrambled eggs, providing a colorful and flavorful breakfast option.

12. Cultural Significance


Bean sprouts hold an important place in Asian cuisines, featured prominently in Chinese, Korean, and Indian dishes.

They are appreciated not only for their flavor but also for their health benefits. In traditional Chinese medicine, bean sprouts are believed to have cooling properties and have been used to treat various ailments.

Their longstanding use in these cultures highlights their value beyond just culinary applications.

13. Environmental Impact


Growing bean sprouts is considered to be environmentally friendly. They have a short growing cycle, which requires less land and resources compared to many other crops.

Additionally, bean sprouts can be grown year-round, reducing the need for transportation and storage.

They also offer a high yield per square foot, contributing to efficient agricultural practices. However, further research is needed to fully assess their environmental impact compared to other crops.

14. Comparison with Other Sprouts


When compared to other sprouts, bean sprouts stand out in several ways. Mung bean sprouts are particularly high in vitamins C and K compared to alfalfa sprouts.

Lentil sprouts have a higher antioxidant capacity than alfalfa sprouts due to their phenolic content.

Broccoli sprouts contain sulforaphane, a compound linked to cancer protection, though they have a stronger flavor. Alfalfa sprouts, while higher in vitamin K, are lower in other nutrients compared to bean sprouts.

15. Research and Studies


Recent studies have explored the health benefits of bean sprouts. Research suggests that lentil sprouts may help improve cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

Compounds in mung bean sprouts have shown potential in slowing the growth of certain cancers.

Additionally, bean sprouts may assist in regulating blood sugar levels and reducing inflammation.

More human studies are needed to confirm these benefits and determine the most effective ways to incorporate bean sprouts into the diet.

16. Allergies and Sensitivities


Although rare, some individuals may have an allergy to bean sprouts, particularly those with legume allergies. Symptoms can include hives or difficulty breathing.

People with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS, cancer, or organ transplants, may be at higher risk for foodborne illnesses from raw sprouts.

Pregnant women and young children should also be cautious with raw bean sprouts due to the potential risk of bacterial contamination.

17. Cooking Tips for Nutrient Retention


To retain the most nutrients from bean sprouts, cook them briefly. Stir-frying or steaming for a short period helps preserve heat-sensitive vitamins like vitamin C.

Avoid overcooking, as it can lead to nutrient loss and a mushy texture.

Adding a small amount of oil or butter during cooking can enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

18. Historical Background


Bean sprouts have a rich history, mentioned in Chinese literature dating back to the 6th century AD.

They have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for their cooling properties and to treat various conditions.

Today, bean sprouts remain a popular ingredient in many Asian cuisines and are increasingly recognized for their health benefits worldwide.


19. Consumer Tips


When purchasing bean sprouts, select ones that are crisp and firm with a fresh, clean aroma. Avoid any that appear slimy, discolored, or decayed.

Opt for refrigerated sprouts stored in a clean, well-ventilated container and check production dates and types.

Choosing organic sprouts can help reduce pesticide exposure and ensure safer growing practices. Always wash bean sprouts thoroughly under running water before consumption, even if they are pre-washed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Are bean sprouts good for you?

Yes, bean sprouts are good for you. They are low in calories and rich in essential vitamins and minerals. They support digestion, heart health, and provide antioxidants that help fight inflammation.

Are bean sprouts high in protein?

Bean sprouts are not particularly high in protein compared to other foods, but they do provide a modest amount. They are a good source of plant-based protein and can contribute to your overall protein intake.

Is eating sprouts daily healthy?

Eating sprouts daily can be healthy as they are nutrient-dense and low in calories. They provide vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health. However, balance with other foods is important.

What are the health benefits of mung bean sprouts?

Mung bean sprouts offer several health benefits, including improved digestion, enhanced immune function, and reduced risk of chronic diseases. They are rich in vitamins C and K, antioxidants, and fiber.

Which sprout has the highest protein?

Soybean sprouts generally have the highest protein content among common sprouts. They are richer in protein compared to mung bean sprouts and others, making them a good choice for protein intake.

Can I eat bean sprouts raw?

Yes, you can eat bean sprouts raw. However, they can sometimes carry bacteria, so it’s important to wash them thoroughly and consider cooking them to reduce any potential risks.

Should we eat sprouts raw or boiled?

Sprouts can be eaten raw or boiled, depending on personal preference and safety considerations. Cooking can reduce the risk of bacterial contamination, while raw sprouts retain more of their natural crunch and nutrients.

How much B12 is in sprouts?

Sprouts generally do not contain significant amounts of vitamin B12. B12 is primarily found in animal products, so if you follow a plant-based diet, consider other sources of B12 or supplements.

Can I eat sprouts at night?

Yes, you can eat sprouts at night. They are light and easy to digest, making them a suitable option for an evening snack. Just ensure they are fresh and properly prepared.

Do you fully digest bean sprouts?

Bean sprouts are generally well-digested. They are high in fiber, which aids digestion, but it’s important to chew them well to help the digestive process.

Should I wash bean sprouts?

Yes, you should wash bean sprouts thoroughly before consuming them. This helps remove any dirt, bacteria, or contaminants and ensures they are safe to eat.

How long to boil bean sprouts?

Boil bean sprouts for about 2-3 minutes. This short cooking time helps preserve their crunch and nutritional value while ensuring they are cooked through.

What is the best way to eat bean sprouts?

The best way to eat bean sprouts depends on your preference. They can be enjoyed raw in salads, lightly cooked in stir-fries, added to soups, or blended into dips and spreads.

Is it better to steam or boil sprouts?

Steaming is generally better than boiling for preserving the nutrients in sprouts. Steaming retains more vitamins and minerals, while boiling can lead to some nutrient loss.

How many hours should sprouts be soaked?

Sprouts should be soaked for about 8-12 hours. This soaking time helps to initiate germination and enhances their nutritional content. Ensure they are rinsed thoroughly before consumption.



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Medically reviewed by Dr. Ramesh Gaddam, M.D.

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