Lamotrigine: 7 Foods to Avoid When Taking Lamotrigine

Medically reviewed by Dr. Ramesh Gaddam, M.D. — Written by Sumalatha, D.N.H.E

Lamotrigine is a medicine used to treat epilepsy and mood disorders like bipolar disorder. It helps control seizures and keeps mood swings in check.

However, what you eat can affect how well lamotrigine works. Some foods may increase side effects or lower its effectiveness.

It’s important to understand which foods to avoid while taking this medicine.

By managing your diet carefully, you can help the medication work better and reduce the chances of unwanted reactions.

1. Key Takeaways


  • Lamotrigine is used to treat epilepsy and mood disorders, but your diet can affect its effectiveness.
  • Avoid high-fat foods, grapefruit, alcohol, caffeine, and certain herbal supplements.
  • Consult your doctor about any changes in your diet and keep a food diary to track potential effects.
  • Eating a balanced diet at regular times can help maintain steady medication levels and reduce side effects.

2. Foods to Avoid


When taking lamotrigine, certain foods can affect how the medicine works in your body.

Some foods may increase side effects or reduce the medication’s effectiveness. Knowing which foods to avoid helps keep your treatment safe and effective.

1. High-Fat Foods


high fat foods to avoid when taking Lamotrigine

Eating foods high in fat can cause your body to absorb more lamotrigine than needed, leading to stronger side effects like dizziness or nausea.

It’s best to avoid fried foods, fatty meats, and full-fat dairy.

Instead, try eating lean meats and low-fat dairy options.


2. Sugary Foods and Drinks


sugary foods to avoid when taking Lamotrigine


High-sugar foods can cause blood sugar spikes and energy crashes, which may interfere with lamotrigine’s ability to stabilize mood.

Examples include candy, soda, and baked goods.


3. Grapefruit and Grapefruit Juice


grapefruit juice to avoid when taking Lamotrigine


Grapefruit can stop your body from breaking down lamotrigine properly.

This can cause the drug to build up in your system, which may lead to serious side effects.

Choose other fruits like oranges or apples instead.


4. Aspartame


Aspartame - foods to avoid When taking lamotrigine


Found in sugar-free products, aspartame can cause mood swings and may trigger headaches, which could worsen some symptoms treated by lamotrigine.

5. Alcohol


Alcohol - foods to avoid When taking lamotrigine


Drinking alcohol while taking lamotrigine can increase side effects such as drowsiness and dizziness.

It can also make it harder for your medication to control seizures or mood swings.

It’s safer to limit or avoid alcohol completely.


6. Caffeinated Drinks


caffeine- foods to avoid When taking lamotrigine


Caffeine can affect how well lamotrigine works by overstimulating your body.

Drinks like coffee, energy drinks, and some teas should be consumed in moderation or replaced with non-caffeinated alternatives.


7. Herbal Supplements


St. John’s Wort


Some herbal supplements can interfere with lamotrigine.

St. John’s Wort can make the drug less effective, while kava and ginkgo biloba may increase side effects.

Always check with your doctor before taking any herbal products.

3. How Lamotrigine Works?


how Lamotrigine works?


Lamotrigine helps stabilize electrical activity in the brain.

For people with epilepsy, it reduces the frequency of seizures.

For those with bipolar disorder, it helps prevent extreme mood swings by balancing chemical signals in the brain.

By controlling this activity, lamotrigine improves daily function and overall well-being.


4. Potential Food Interactions


Eating certain foods can make side effects from lamotrigine worse. For example, high-fat meals may lead to dizziness, nausea, or tiredness.

Drinking alcohol or taking herbal supplements can also increase the risk of these side effects.

If you eat foods like grapefruit or take supplements that interfere with lamotrigine, the medication may not work as well.

This can result in more frequent seizures or mood swings, making it harder to manage your condition effectively.


5. Side Effects


side effects of lamotrigine


Common side effects of lamotrigine include dizziness, drowsiness, and headaches.

Some people may feel tired or have trouble sleeping. Nausea and upset stomach are also possible, especially when starting the medication.

In rare cases, you might experience a skin rash.

Most side effects improve as your body gets used to the medication, but if they don’t go away or become severe, it’s important to talk to your doctor.

Cognitive Side Effects


Lamotrigine may cause cognitive side effects in some people, particularly when starting the medication or adjusting the dose.

Common cognitive effects include difficulties with concentration, memory problems, and feeling mentally “foggy.”

Some individuals may also experience slowed thinking or confusion.

These side effects are usually mild and may improve as your body adjusts to the medication.

If cognitive side effects persist or become bothersome, it’s important to discuss them with your doctor, as adjustments in dosage or timing may help.

6. How to Manage Side Effects?


how to manage side effects of lamotrigine


To manage side effects from lamotrigine, start by talking to your doctor about any problems you have.

They can change your dose or suggest other ways to help you feel better.

Drink plenty of water to help with issues like dizziness and nausea.

Eating healthy foods and avoiding fatty or sugary snacks can also make a difference.

Take your medicine at the same time each day to keep your body steady and reduce side effects.

It’s also a good idea to cut back on alcohol and caffeine, as these can worsen side effects.

Make sure to get enough sleep so you feel alert and less tired.

Lastly, keeping a simple journal of your side effects can help you and your doctor understand what’s happening and find the best ways to help you.

7. Role of Diet When Taking Lamotrigine


importance of diet when taking lamotrigine


7.  Meal Planning Tips


meal planning tips


Eat Balanced Meals:


Include lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to keep your body nourished and stable.


Avoid High-Fat Foods:


Choose lower-fat options like grilled or baked foods to reduce the risk of absorbing too much lamotrigine, which can increase side effects.


Limit Caffeine and Alcohol:


Reducing coffee, energy drinks, and alcohol can help prevent unwanted side effects and keep the medication working properly.


Stay Hydrated:


Drink plenty of water to help reduce nausea and keep your body functioning well.

Talk to Your Doctor


Always discuss your eating habits with your doctor or pharmacist.

They can tell you which foods and drinks to avoid while taking lamotrigine.

If you’re unsure about any food or supplement, ask before consuming it.

Keep a Food Diary


Writing down what you eat and how you feel after meals can help you track how food affects your medication.

This can make it easier for your doctor to adjust your treatment if needed.

Eat at Regular Times


Take lamotrigine at the same time every day, and try to eat meals at regular times.

This helps keep the amount of medication in your body steady, which can improve its effectiveness.

8. Impact of Citrus Fruits on Lamotrigine


impact of citrus fruits


Citrus fruits, like oranges and lemons, are healthy and packed with vitamins.

However, one citrus fruit you should avoid while taking lamotrigine is grapefruit. Grapefruit can interfere with how your body processes the medication, leading to higher levels of lamotrigine in your system.

This can increase the risk of side effects, making you feel dizzy or sleepy.

Other citrus fruits, such as oranges and limes, do not have the same effect as grapefruit.

You can safely enjoy them while on lamotrigine. It’s still a good idea to be mindful of your overall diet.

Eating a variety of fruits can help you stay healthy while managing your medication.



9. Effects of High-Protein Foods


High-protein foods generally do not have a significant impact on lamotrigine absorption.

Unlike high-fat foods, which can increase the amount of lamotrigine absorbed into your body, protein-rich foods like chicken, fish, beans, and eggs are neutral.

This means they won’t cause large changes in how your body processes the medication.

However, it’s still important to maintain a balanced diet, as a stable intake of nutrients supports overall health and helps manage any side effects from lamotrigine.


10. Safe Food Substitutes


Lamotrigine safe food alternatives


  • Low-Fat Options: Choose lean meats like chicken or turkey, and swap full-fat dairy products for low-fat or fat-free versions such as skim milk and low-fat yogurt to avoid increasing lamotrigine absorption.


  • Fruits Other than Grapefruit: Enjoy fruits like apples, berries, and bananas, which don’t interfere with the medication’s effectiveness.


  • Decaffeinated Drinks: Opt for decaf coffee or herbal teas instead of caffeinated beverages to prevent overstimulation and mood swings.


  • Natural Sweeteners: Replace sugary snacks with fruits or use natural sweeteners like honey in moderation, avoiding artificial sweeteners like aspartame.


  • Non-Alcoholic Beverages: Choose sparkling water or non-alcoholic drinks as alternatives to alcohol, which can increase dizziness and other side effects.




Certain foods can affect how well lamotrigine works.

High-fat meals, grapefruit, alcohol, and certain herbal supplements may cause more side effects or reduce the effectiveness of the medication.

By being careful with what you eat, you can help manage your condition better.

Always talk to your doctor about your diet, keep a food diary, and take your medication at the same time each day.

These simple steps can make a big difference in how well lamotrigine works for you.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Not to Eat with Lamotrigine?


When taking lamotrigine, avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice, as they can interfere with how the medication works.

Also, try to stay away from high-fat foods and sugary snacks, which may increase side effects.

Can You Drink Coffee While on Lamotrigine?


It’s best to limit coffee and other caffeinated drinks while on lamotrigine.

Caffeine can make some side effects worse, like anxiety and restlessness.

What Are the Precautions for Lamotrigine?


Before taking lamotrigine, let your doctor know if you have any allergies or health conditions.

Always follow your doctor’s instructions on dosage and timing to reduce risks.

What Supplements Should I Avoid with Lamotrigine?


Avoid taking St. John’s Wort, as it can reduce the effectiveness of lamotrigine.

Always consult your doctor before starting any new supplements.

What Organs Affect Lamotrigine?


The liver plays a key role in breaking down lamotrigine. If you have liver problems, it may affect how the medication works in your body.

What Are the Negative Effects of Lamotrigine?


Common negative effects of lamotrigine include dizziness, drowsiness, headaches, and nausea.

Some people may also experience skin rashes or mood changes.

What Are the Positives of Lamotrigine?


Lamotrigine can help control seizures in people with epilepsy and stabilize mood in those with bipolar disorder.

Many find that it improves their quality of life.

What Is the New Warning for Lamotrigine?


Recent warnings highlight the risk of serious skin rashes when starting lamotrigine.

It’s important to watch for any unusual skin changes and contact your doctor right away.

Is Lamotrigine Good for the Brain?


Yes, lamotrigine can be beneficial for brain health by helping to stabilize mood and control seizures.

However, it’s essential to use it under a doctor’s care.

Does Lamotrigine Affect Memory?


Some people may notice mild memory issues while taking lamotrigine.

However, these effects usually improve over time or with dosage adjustments.

How Successful Is Lamotrigine?


Lamotrigine is considered effective for many people in managing seizures and mood disorders.

Success rates can vary based on individual health conditions.

Does Lamotrigine Stop Anger?


While lamotrigine helps stabilize mood, it may not directly stop anger.

However, it can help manage overall emotional balance.

Does Lamotrigine Reduce Stress?


Lamotrigine may help reduce stress by stabilizing mood, but it is not specifically designed for stress relief.

Managing stress through other methods is also important.

Does Lamotrigine Stop Depression?


Lamotrigine can be helpful for some people with bipolar disorder to stabilize mood and reduce depressive episodes, but it may not work for everyone.

Is 300 mg of Lamotrigine a Lot?


A dose of 300 mg is common for many patients, but the right dose varies based on individual needs. Always follow your doctor’s guidance.

What Is an Alternative to Lamotrigine?


Alternatives to lamotrigine may include other mood stabilizers or anticonvulsants.

Discussing options with your doctor can help find the best fit for you.

How Do I Know If Lamotrigine Is Working?


You may notice fewer seizures or improved mood stability as signs that lamotrigine is working.

Regular check-ins with your doctor can help monitor progress.

What Is a Good Lamotrigine Level?


A typical therapeutic level for lamotrigine in the blood is usually between 2 to 15 micrograms per milliliter.

Your doctor will guide you on monitoring these levels.

Is Lamotrigine Good or Bad?


Lamotrigine has both benefits and risks. It can effectively manage seizures and mood, but side effects can occur.

It’s important to weigh the pros and cons with your doctor.

What Is the Biggest Side Effect of Lamictal?


The most serious side effect of lamotrigine (brand name Lamictal) is the risk of severe skin rashes.

Monitoring for any skin changes is crucial while taking this medication.

Is Lamotrigine High Risk?


Lamotrigine is generally considered safe for most people when taken as prescribed.

However, like any medication, it has risks that need to be monitored.

Who Cannot Take Lamotrigine?


People with known allergies to lamotrigine or those with certain liver problems may not be able to take this medication.

Always consult your doctor for personalized advice.

What Is the Success Rate of Lamotrigine?


Many studies show that lamotrigine is successful for controlling seizures and stabilizing mood in many individuals, but success rates can vary.

Is Lamotrigine Bad for Your Heart?


Lamotrigine is not generally known to harm heart health when taken as directed.

However, always discuss any heart conditions with your doctor before starting treatment.

Does Lamotrigine Lower Blood Pressure?


Lamotrigine does not typically lower blood pressure.

If you have concerns about blood pressure, talk to your doctor about your specific situation.

Can Lamotrigine Raise Cholesterol?


There is no strong evidence to suggest that lamotrigine raises cholesterol levels.

Regular health check-ups can help monitor your overall health.

Is Lamotrigine Bad for Your Liver?


Lamotrigine can affect liver function, especially in people with existing liver issues.

Regular monitoring and discussing your health with your doctor are essential.

Can Lamotrigine Damage Kidneys?


Lamotrigine is not known to cause kidney damage in most people.

However, if you have kidney issues, discuss your treatment options with your doctor.

Does Lamotrigine Weaken the Immune System?


Lamotrigine is not typically known to weaken the immune system.

However, any concerns about your immune health should be discussed with your healthcare provider.

How to Stop Taking Lamotrigine?


If you need to stop taking lamotrigine, always do so under your doctor’s guidance.

They will help you taper off the medication safely to avoid withdrawal symptoms or other complications.




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Medically reviewed by Dr. Ramesh Gaddam, M.D.

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